Tuesday, 9 December 2014

New ink drawing of Mark Brelsford styling it around a flat track oval.

Motorcycle jacket I recently painted for Bolt London now available from their on-line shop.

Friday, 19 September 2014

British upright championship programme cover / poster

Triumph leather jacket for Bolt London

Enamel on leather for Bolt London

Grasstrack Sketches

Kenny White's 650 Triumph grasstrack sidecar outfit

1st piece in a series of Grasstrack prints to come

After a bit of a tidy up

Pre- restoration

A very limited print run on this, mostly going to family and friends of Kenny, who is sadly no longer with us. Kenny's Grasstrack sidecar outfit hadn't run since 1973,  Myself, John Simth and Lew Wharton Snr soon had it running and looking as it would have originally. Even had it doing a few laps at this years British masters championship during the interval.